Playtimes, Football Chants and Vagal Tone
Playground Originale Bjorn Lie Playtimes, Football Chants and Vagal Tone Cat Jolleys Hear the whistle blow, freeze, it blows again. Calmly stop the Y6 FA cup final at 89 minutes and walk to the line, harmoniously, alongside your biggest rival who's just outrageously fouled you and said something about yo mum. S tand silently in register order, then walk inside peacefully, feeling completed self-regulated and calm. Then sit down, ready to learn. Easy peasy. Only, for the vast majority of Primary aged children, we know it isn't that easy, yet this is still how a lot of playtimes end. The transition from running, screaming, wind in their hair and heart beating at 200bpm to absolute silence, stillness and full self-regulation, would be a big ask for most of us, yet we often expect that from young children and feel frustrated when they just can't do it. I remember being at my wit's end a few years ago, after another playtime when the Y6 bo